Coastal Resellience Against Climate Change
Dhaka Sylhet Highway
Floating Agriculture as Nature Based Solution
Improved Community Resilience, Livelihoods
Affordable Health Care for Urban Poor
Sustainable Agriculture
Transforming Bangladesh Primary Educatione
An interactive online GIS portal to view, analyze, & understand the climate and disaster risk information of Bangladesh and ADB projects for risk-informed decision-making & investment prioritization
Climate and Disaster Risk Informed Investment Prioritization System (CRIIPS) is an interactive online GIS Portal to facilitate the view, analysis, and understanding of the climate and disaster risk information of Bangladesh and ADB project areas This web-based platform provides explicit access to geographic information and spatial data in an organized and user-friendly manner to the Asian Development Bank staffs for supporting planning, conceptualization and design of investment projects. It would facilitate the discovery, visualization and analysis of geospatial data and maps for risk informed policy decisions.